Getting Started With Science @ PEC...


In-class first 1/2 credit unit in Biology, Earth and/or Integrated Science


SESSION ONE--Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How


--(5) Current Science--Student Information Sheet, Course Description Sheet, & Attendance Sheet

--(5) Welcome to Science!

--(15) 3x5 Card & Introductions

--(10) Behavior in Class and Current Science

--(5) Unit Description Sheet--Circle the grade you'd like to earn--C, B, or A

--(5) Student & Parent Paperwork packet...complete and return

--(5) Experiment--Pastic Wrap...What kind do you have at home? Write this on the last page in your Student and Parent Paperwork packet

--(5) Q&A, Wrap-up, clean-up, and Steve will dismiss you after the bell rings


--Homework (HW)--1) Student & Parent Paperwork, 2) My Learning Style (, 3) plastic wrap we have at home..list brand(s) and  4) 1" to 3" binder w/ dividers (5+).




--(1) Practice procedure--begin at workstations--Attendance & (5) Current Science--Review: Write 1 to 3 paragraphs about our last session together.

--(5) Group--Welcome Back! Share review...

--(10) Classroom Science Folder--Attendance and Daily Plan & Learning

--(5) Homework Check--if no homework, write-out plan for this assignment and the future...

--(5) Unit Description Sheet discussion--"B" level and "A" level assignments

--(20) Interactive Notebook (INB): Title Page, Table of Contents, Welcome to Science, Class Rules & Guidelines, Science @ PEC, INB, Cornell Notes...

--(5) Wrap-Up & Depart


--HOMEWORK--Left- and right-hand pages in INB--Title Page through Cornell Notes and plastic wrap you have at home...label and bring a sample.




--(1) Folder & Attendance

--(5) Review/Current Science: Write 1 to 3 highlights about our last two sessions together.

--(5) Welcome Back! Share review...

--(10) Process of Science

--(20) Plastic Wrap

--(5) Wrap-Up & Depart


HOMEWORK--Read article and do Internet research and 7-10 facts about Claire Nelson & Plastic Wrap. Computer? School, home, friend/relative/neighbor, Porterville Library...



SESSION FOUR--L.A.N.S. & Science Project


--(10) Folder/Attendance and Current Science

--(5) Welcome Back! Share, review,Q&A, and discuss...

--(10) Claire Nelson and Plastic Wrap--Read article and discuss

--(10) LANS--review & discuss

--(15) Science Project Unit--review & discuss

--(5) Wrap-Up & Depart


Homework--Review Study Guide for Test


SESSION FIVE--What I've Learned! Test & Portfolio


--(10) Folder/Attendance and Current Science

--(5) Welcome Back! Share, review, w/ Q&A

--(5) Study Guide--Review & Discuss

--(20) CCSS/NGSS-style Unit Test in Testing Room or Rm. 2.

--(10) Portfolio--FIVE items/sections--1) two-page INB summary, 2) vocabulary, 3) experiment, 4) my choice, and 5) reference. You may also do the portfolio online; talk with Steve about how to do this.

--(5) Wrap-up and Dismiss


Homework--Portfolio update for this unit.


SESSION SIX--Ending & Beginning


--(10) Folder/Attendance and Current Science

--(15) Portfolio Unit--Share binders...FIVE items/sections--1) two-page INB summary, 2) vocabulary, 3) experiment, 4) my choice, and 5) reference. May also be online...

--(15) Evaluating Unit and Posting Credit/Grade. If items are unfinished or the test wasn't passed, continue to work on these items.

--(5) Getting New Unit--Send Steve an email; CLICK for process.

--(5) Wrap-Up & Dismiss