Steve's Advisory Assignments
Complete the following during advisory to earn DCW/elective credit--Advisory Monthly Work form. Copy and paste, and complete in CORNELL format:
10 February 2015--Current Advisory
>Earth Day Student Committee Application * Application deadline today. Applied/applying? YES * NO
>Earth Day Shirts: * 14 shirts & 1st, 2nd & 3rd choice to Mr. Franco.
>Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month--wear orange all month and on Thursday, February 19th--Crystal coming to speak--Central California Family Crisis Center.
>Senior Grads--get paper from Steve
>CP 7 Monthly Assignment--update: Credit Period Contract+
>Current Advisory--10 for 1/2 credit many I have now_______
25 February 2013/WASC & Starting the Day...class discussion about WASC, Monthly Work for CP 7 & 8, Credit Period Contract, 11th grade EAP test/credit and Senior progress. Then watch the video clip and write 3-5 things you liked about it:
19 February 2013/Information Update--CA/Current Advisory: Answer the following--handwritten or typed & emailed--1) your name, 2) grade in school, 3) your birthdate, 4) your cell phone number, 5) your email address, 6) name of boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife if any, 7) name and birthdate of baby (babies) if any. Expecting? Give due date and sex of baby if known. 8) Thing you liked BEST about our 4-day President's Weekend... 9) Earth Day Science Committee application process open again. Are you interested in applying? YES * NO * Maybe
[ ] _______ May 17, 2011--Meet with Steve--1) Letter Carrier Saturday, 2) Advisory DCW, 3) Study Hall.
[ ] _______ May 12, 2011--
[ ] _______ May 10, 2011--1) Dress Code, 2) Seniors--Review status/progress with Steve, 3) Returning next year w/ baby? Enrollment--August 11th--you, baby & your parent, 4) Letter Carrier Saturday/5-14-11, 5) Earth Day Advisory assignment, 6)Chef Jeff, 7)more?
[ ] _______ February 24, 2011--Selective Service System. Read the brochure and answer the following questions--1) What is the Selective Service System? 2) Who must register? 3) What if you don't register? 4) Should women have to register? Why or why not?
[ ] _______ 2/17/11--President's Day Weekend! What do you plan to do? Write 1-3 paragraphs.
[ ] _______ 2/15/11--My career! Write 1 to 3 paragraphs about what you'd like to do for a living after high school. Include training you still need before you can do that job.
[ ] _______ 2/10/11--Valentines Day--Research the history; write a 1-3 paragraph paper. Include history and what you plan to do.
[ ] _______ 2/8/2011--Giant Tech Prep--On Thursday, March 31, students from PEC and other high schools in Tulare County will go to COS to compete. Look at the Powerpoint(r) and write about the event (1-3 paragraphs). Do you want to participate? Application paper is due by 3PM on Thursday (2/10/11).
[ ] _______ 1/20/2011--If you had to get a job and go to work today, what would you do? 1-3 paragraphs.
[ ] _______ 1/18/2011--Last Sunday was Religious Freedom Day. Read the intro to this website: and read what Mr. Obama wrote: Write 1-3 paragraphs about why this freedom is important.
1/13/2011—Holiday on Monday-- Martin Luther King, Jr. Spend 5-10 minutes doing Internet-based research. Who was Dr. King? Why is he famous? When did we decide to make his birthday a holiday? Why do you think we should remember him and what he did?
[ ] _______ 1/11/2011—Print & save this PAGE in your binder.What did you do during your vacation? Write 1-3 paragraphs.
5/27/2010--finishing up assignments! Type a note letting me know which assignments you are working on finishing. Send me the note; write "Finishing Assignments" in the subject box:
5/25/2010--CLEAN CAMPUS:-) We'd like to have a clean campus for our ceremony tomorrow AND every day! What did you do today to help make our campus beautiful? List 3 to 5 ongoing things we can do at our school to help keep it beautiful.
5/20/2010--AMGEN BIKE TOUR--Today in Porterville! Visit the website: Answer the questions: 1. What do you know about the tour? 2. Describe your favorite experience on or with a bike.
5/13/2010-(Earth Day preparation--no assignment. Tomorrow--PEC Earth Day!)
5/11/2010-(Earth Day preparation--no assignment)
5/6/2010--(Earth Day preparation--no assignment)
5/4/2010--(Earth Day preparation--no assignment)
4/29/2010--There are parties happening today! Write about your favorite party.
4/27/2010--Spend 5 minutes @ the Jamba Juice website: What do you like? A Jamba Juice Go-Go will be happening here @ PEC on Earth Day. See Steve today if you want to order.
4/20 & 22/2010--Last week, this week and the beginning of next week--CST testing. Each day, write 1-3 paragraphs about what you've taken and experienced to date.
4/15/10: Traveling to a virtual world--Quest Atlantis. Meeting on Tuesdays from 12:05 until 12:25 P.M. Interested? Get a packet from Steve. Have you played video games? Write 1-3 paragraphs.
4/13/10--1-3 paragraphs: Where would you travel?
4/8/2010--TRAVEL-2: Spend 5 minutes exploring the a Roadtrip Nation website: What did you like?
4/6/2010--TRAVEL! Do you like to travel? Where have you traveled? Write 1-3 paragraphs.
3/30/2010--Last Sunday was Palm Sunday; this coming Sunday is Easter. Do you celebrate? if so, what do you do?
3/11/2010--Party today! What are your plans for vacation? Write 1-3 paragraphs...
3/9/2010--St. Patrick's Day:-) Do a wee bit of research...5-10 minutes, then write 1-3 paragraphs about the day. Draw/print/include pictures.
3/4/2010--Today's Vivaldi's birthday! Who was he? Why is he famous? Do 3-5 minuites of research and write 1-3 paragraphs.
3/2/2010--Yesterday: Elane Geller & the Holocost! Assignment worth credit!!! Ask Steve for it if you're interested. TODAY: List 3-5 facts about the Holocost.
2/26/2010--Steve's @ a seminar today!
2/25/10-List 3 to 5 tips for getting along with your boss.
2/23/2010--List your classes and describe how you're doing right now in each one.
2/18/2010--Getting ready for Tech Prep! Do you plan to participate? Why or why not--write 1-3 paragraphs.
2/16/2010--4 days of vacation!!! What did you do? Write 1 to 3 paragraphs
2/11/2010--Valentine's Day or President's Weekend. Either way, we've a 4-day holiday. Research/write about either one (1-3 paragraphs.)
2/9/2010--Giant Tech Prep--On Thursday, March 25, students from PEC and other high schools in Tulare County will go to COS to compete. Look at the Powerpoint(r) and write about the event (1-3 paragraphs).
2/4/2010--Superbowl weekend! Do 5 minutes of research of you don’t know about this famous day, then write 1-3 paragraphs about the dayJ
·2/2/2010---Groundhog Day! Spend 3-5 minutes doing research, then write 1-3 paragraphs about the dayJ <!--[if !vml]-->
·1/28/2010—Next Tuesday & Wednesday—CAHSEE testing--Write 1-3 paragraphs about the test (ideas: Have you taken it? What was it like? Did you get tired? Did you have a good breakfast before taking it? Why do you think we take the test? Etc.)
1/26/10—It’s been raining! What’s the forecast for the next 10 days? Go to, type in our zip code (93257) click on “10-day forecast” and write about what the weather might be like for the next 10 days.
1/21/10—Renee Getty from DeVry University is with us. Write 1-3 paragraphs: What did we do? What did you like? What would you change?
1/19/2010-RAIN TODAY! -- Write about your favorite rainy-day memory.
1/14/2010—Monday holiday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Spend 5-10 minutes doing Internet-based research. Who was Dr. King? Why is he famous? When did we decide to make his birthday a holiday? Why do you think we should remember him and what he did?
1/12/2010—What did you do during your vacation? Write 1-3 paragraphs.