Steve's Advisory @ PEC

Onsite teachers at PEC serve a group of students as educational advisor. We meet 8th period and cover the following. CLICK to access Steve's advisory assignments:



--What's my learning style? Resource link 1 * Resource link 2

--Will high school really help prepare me for adulthood ?

--How many credits do I need to graduate? PAS=170 * PEC=220 * Harmony=260

--May I accellerate my progress? @Porterville  Adult School? @Porterville College?

--Porterville College for High School Students * Porterville College Dual Enrollment Petition--Click HERE * More PC information for high school students.

--What is Odysseyware?

--What is the CHSPE? Link to State of California website:

--Help! I have special needs and I don't think I can graduate.

--I want to graduate on time; help me plan and organize!



--I don't know what I want to do after high school & college. Help #1 * Help #2 * Help #3

--More thoughts about life after high school @ CLICK

--Help me learn about careers I'm interested in: Information * Videos

--Porterville College Career Coach...

--Can I explore careers by going on an adventure? Roadtrip Nation *

--Are career tests helpful?

--What's job shadowing?

--Can "Tech Prep" help me? What is Tech Prep? * Tech Prep Expo

--Can I "try out" a job? What is work experience? * CAWEE *

--How do I get a job? My first part-time job * Suggestions from Worksmart * My career job

--What can I do now to help prepare for my career? Study Units @ PEC * More...

--What is the PUSD Pathways program?

--Career Choices @ PEC


* LIFE--

--Youthhood to Adulthood--HARD TRANSITION! Welcome to Youthood * Casey Life Skills

--I have questions...

--The BIG questions in's a start.

--It's a bit scary...

--I don't feel prepared... * Simple Truths

--I'm excited about the possibilities!

--Living in the PRESENT...



--When you arrive, plan your day--include the assignment for advisory and assignment for other classes.

--When your partner is absent, send him/her a letter (email or mail)--include what we're doing in class today and why you missed seeing them. Take letter to Steve before you send it. After he has ok'd it, do one of the following: 1) EMAIL--send a copy of the letter to your partner, yourself and Steve ( 2) MAIL--print a copy for your partner, yourself and Steve. Get an envelope from Steve and address it to your partner. Return address is you & Steve, Prospect Education Center, 600 W. Grand Avenue, Porterville, CA 93257-2029.