Earth Day * Smokey Bear Suit
Wednesday, March 09, 2016 * Directed Coursework
Name __________________________ Advisor ________________________
Email ________________________________ Cell _____________________
What Would it be Like to BE Smokey Bear?
[ ] _______1/Information—Learn a bit about your character. Spend a few minutes studying information at this website:
List & attach 7 to 10 facts.
[ ] _______2/Permission—get permission to wear the suit from your parent(s or guardian(s)—
I give my permission for my daughter/son to wear the Smokey Bear suit at the Earth Day celebration this year. I/we understand there could be risks; we assume responsibility for those rather than Prospect Education Center, PUSD, and/or the USFS.
_________________________________________ __________________________ _____
Parent/guardian Parent/guardian Date
[ ] _______3/Playing the part—spend 15 to 25 minutes in the Smokey suit.
[ ] 4/Review—Answer the following questions and attach:
a. What was it like to “be” Smokey Bear?
b. What did you like about playing the part of Smokey?
c. Were there problems? If yes, describe:
d. What would you do next time to make the experience even better?
Meet with Steve or your advisor * Grade ___ DCW credit ___ Date_______CP__ Initials _____
PEC_Department_Share/Earth Day