Spring Break Science 2014

SBS 2014--1/2 to 1 credit in Biology, Earth Science or Integrated Science is available.

Unit: Solving the "Wicked Problems" in Our Universe...(SWPOU)

Goal: to learn more about the big problems in our universe and and how each one of us can help solve them

Sessions--7 one-hour sessions and an exam

Session assignments will be posted on this page. Students will complete the assignments in their science interactive notebooks--notes on the right-hand side; graphics on the left.

Questions? Email Steve: sreynolds@portervilleschools.org

Deadline for completing the unit and taking the test is two weeks after you enroll and begin working on the unit. Date started ______________ Date finished _____________.

REMEMBER--all notes are to be written in Cornell format (input) with left-hand pages in your INB containing your output and graphics that illustrate your writings on the right-hand page; cover all of the topic(s) on the right-hand side and use color. In each section, keep track of the amount of TIME you spent working on the section.


SESSION ONE--Earth--The Operators' Manual...you use an operators' manual helps keep your car or computer working smoothly. Science can help do the same for our planet. This unit will show us evidence and a possible way forward.

An operator’s manual helps keep your car or computer running at peak performance. Earth science can do the same for the planet. To illustrate the evidence and the way forward, host Richard Alley, takes viewers on a High-Definition trip around the globe, from New Zealand to New Orleans, telling the story of Earth’s climate history and our relationship with fossil fuels. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/earth-the-operators-manual#sthash.9d4FKSKd.dpuf
An operator’s manual helps keep your car or computer running at peak performance. Earth science can do the same for the planet. To illustrate the evidence and the way forward, host Richard Alley, takes viewers on a High-Definition trip around the globe, from New Zealand to New Orleans, telling the story of Earth’s climate history and our relationship with fossil fuels. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/earth-the-operators-manual#sthash.9d4FKSKd.dpuf


What are the big problems on our planet and in the universe? What was Bob the Builder's motto? Can we fix it? Y_____ W_____ CAN! Let's take on Bob's motto--Can we fix it? YES WE CAN! (Click) If you want to take a quick "Bob Break"...


[   ] _______ 1-1/PREWRITE your thoughts and questions in your INB--list and write about 3-5 problems or questions on or about the universe or planet earth.


[   ] _______ 1-2/VOCABULARY--draw or print a Marzano Vocabulary Template for the following words--1-5a fossil fuels, 1-5b renewable resources, 1-5c sustainable, 1-5d carbon footprint, 1-5e conservation and 1-5f planning.


[   ] _______ 1-3/INTERACTING with Information--watch the online video and take notes in your Interactive Notebook (INB)--http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/earth-the-operators-manual . Sections: [1-3a] Introducton, Tease & Titles, [1-3b] Humans and Energy, [1-3c] Formation of Fossil Fuels, [1-3d] CO2 and the Atmosphere, [1-3e] CO2 in the Ice Core Record, ]1-3f] "It's Us...", [1-2g] The Pentagon and Climate Change, [1-3h] Toward a Sustainable Future..., [1-3i] China: In With the New, [1-3j] Renewables Roundup, [1-3k] Texas: Wind and Efifciency, and [1-3l] Sustainable Solutions .


[   ] _______ 1-4/OK.../Who is Richard Alley? Use this webpage and others if needed; list 7-10 facts about Dr. Alley.


[   ] _______ 1-5/WOW! What I've learned--[1-5a] Watch this video clip by Blue Man Group, then

[1-5b] Write a 1/2 to 1 page summary about the information and your learning in this section in your INB.

[1-5c] Copy your summary to an email; add to it what you liked about this session AND what you would change to make it better. Send the email to Steve: sreynolds@portervilleschools.org; write in the email subject box: SBS 2014--Summary--Session One.


[   ] _______1-6/TIME--amount of time I spent working on this section_______.


An operator’s manual helps keep your car or computer running at peak performance. Earth science can do the same for the planet. To illustrate the evidence and the way forward, host Richard Alley, takes viewers on a High-Definition trip around the globe, from New Zealand to New Orleans, telling the story of Earth’s climate history and our relationship with fossil fuels. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/earth-the-operators-manual#sthash.Kbw17hXp.dpuf
An operator’s manual helps keep your car or computer running at peak performance. Earth science can do the same for the planet. To illustrate the evidence and the way forward, host Richard Alley, takes viewers on a High-Definition trip around the globe, from New Zealand to New Orleans, telling the story of Earth’s climate history and our relationship with fossil fuels. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/earth-the-operators-manual#sthash.Kbw17hXp.dpuf1-1) Remember, all notes are to be written in Cornell format. PREWRITE--list and write about 3-5 problems on planet earth that you feel are the the greatest. 1-2) Watch the online video and take notes in your Interactive Notebook (INB)--http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/earth-the-operators-manual . Sections: 1-2a Introducton, Tease & Titles, 1-2b Humans and Energy, 1-2c Formation of Fossil Fuels, 1-2d CO2 and the Atmosphere , 1-2e CO2 in the Ice Core Record, 1-2f "It's Us...", 1-2g The Pentagon and Climate Change, 1-2h Toward a Sustainable Future..., 1-2i China: In With the New, 1-2j Renewables Roundup, 1-2k Texas: Wind and Efficiency, and 1-2l Sustainable Solutions . 1-3) Left-hand page in your INB...graphics that illustrate your writings on the right-hand page. Remember to cover all of the topic on the right-hand side and use color. 1-4) Who is Richard Alley? Use this webpage and others if needed. List 7-10 facts about him. 1-5) What you've learned--write a summary about the content and your learning in this section in your INB. Copy the summary to an email and send it to Steve: sreynolds@portervilleschools.org; write in subject box: SBS 2014--Summary--Session One Earth--The Operator's Manual

SESSION TWO--POWERING THE PLANET is an eye-opening look at some of the world’s most important case studies in smart energy decisions, and a provocative assessment of what it takes to build a sustainable energy infrastructure — a process that spans decades and requires long-term government support.


[   ] _______2-1/Watch the video at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/powering-the-planet#sthash.3ZQ46Mgh.dpuf; take Cornell/INB notes as you watch each section.


[   ] _______ 2-2/OK.../Who is Your Energy Hero? Take a look at this webpage "Join the Conversation"; write about it in your INB.  


[   ] _______ 2-3/WOW! What I've learned--[2-3a] Write a 1/2 to 1 page summary about the information and your learning in this section in your INB.

[2-3b] Copy your summary to an email; add to it what you liked about this session AND what you would change to make it better. Send the email to Steve: sreynolds@portervilleschools.org; write in the email subject box: SBS 2014--Summary--Session Two.


[   ] _______2-4/TIME--amount of time I spent working on this section_______.


POWERING THE PLANET is an eye-opening look at some of the world’s most important case studies in smart energy decisions, and a provocative assessment of what it takes to build a sustainable energy infrastructure — a process that spans decades and requires long-term government support. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/powering-the-planet#sthash.3ZQ46Mgh.dpuf

POWERING THE PLANET is an eye-opening look at some of the world’s most important case studies in smart energy decisions, and a provocative assessment of what it takes to build a sustainable energy infrastructure — a process that spans decades and requires long-term government support. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/powering-the-planet#sthash.3ZQ46Mgh.dpuf

POWERING THE PLANET is an eye-opening look at some of the world’s most important case studies in smart energy decisions, and a provocative assessment of what it takes to build a sustainable energy infrastructure — a process that spans decades and requires long-term government support. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/powering-the-planet#sthash.3ZQ46Mgh.dpuf

POWERING THE PLANET is an eye-opening look at some of the world’s most important case studies in smart energy decisions, and a provocative assessment of what it takes to build a sustainable energy infrastructure — a process that spans decades and requires long-term government support. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/powering-the-planet#sthash.3ZQ46Mgh.dpuf

POWERING THE PLANET is an eye-opening look at some of the world’s most important case studies in smart energy decisions, and a provocative assessment of what it takes to build a sustainable energy infrastructure — a process that spans decades and requires long-term government support. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/powering-the-planet#sthash.3ZQ46Mgh.dpuf

POWERING THE PLANET is an eye-opening look at some of the world’s most important case studies in smart energy decisions, and a provocative assessment of what it takes to build a sustainable energy infrastructure — a process that spans decades and requires long-term government support. - See more at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/powering-the-planet#sthash.3ZQ46Mgh.dpuf




[   ] _______3-1/Watch the video at: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature-video/energy-quest; take Cornell/INB notes as you watch each section.


[   ] _______ 3-2/WOW! What I've learned--[3-3a] Write a 1/2 to 1 page summary about the information and your learning in this section in your INB.

[3-3b] Copy your summary to an email; add to it what you liked about this session AND what you would change to make it better. Send the email to Steve: sreynolds@portervilleschools.org; write in the email subject box: SBS 2014--Summary for Session Three.


[   ] _______3-3/TIME--amount of time I spent working on this section_______.


SESSION FOUR--The Rest of the Story...


[   ] _______ 4-1/Paul Harvey is often remembered for his program "The Rest of the Story..." Watch this video clip; write in your INB.


[   ] _______4-2/Global Warming--The Rest of the Story--there are many sides to most situations...check them out! Google and write 1-3 additional thoughts about why we're experiencing global warming.


[   ] _______ 4-3/More Information--

Take a look--click: http://earththeoperatorsmanual.com/feature/calculate-your-energy-use, complete and write a summary in your INB.


[   ] _______ 4-4/Take the QUIZ; record the results in your INB.


[   ] _______ 4-5/WOW! What I've learned--[4-1a] Write a 1/2 to 1 page summary about the information and your learning in this section in your INB.

[3-3b] Copy your summary to an email; add to it what you liked about this session AND what you would change to make it better. Send the email to Steve: sreynolds@portervilleschools.org; write in the email subject box: SBS 2014--Summary for Session Three.


[   ] _______4-6/TIME--amount of time I spent working on this section_______.


SESSION FIVE--The "Wicked Problems" in Our Universe...


[   ] _______ 5-1/A "Wicked Problem"--Childhood Slavery! Vivienne Harr....watch the video; write in your INB.


[   ] _______ 5-2/Making a CHANGE...meet Brieana; take a look at her video about EdgeMAKERS.


[   ] _______ 5-3/Take a look at the EdgeMAKERS website--spend 5-10 minutes looking at the site, then write 5-10 facts in your INB.


[   ] _______ 5-4Wow! We can flesh-out our burdens and vision for problems on the planet BEFORE we turn 18 years of age! There are "wicked problems" we can help solve! Which of the problems/solutions listed at the EdgeMAKERS website stirs your heart the most? Write about it in your INB.


[   ] _______5-5/TIME--amount of time I spent working on this section_______.


SESSION SIX: Making a Difference in Our World TODAY! Kids Right to Know, Roadtrip Nation, CyberQuest, BuildOn, treetpee.com, QUEST Atlantis, educational gaming and more...


[   ] _______6-1/How are some making a difference in our world? Spend 5-10 minutes at each site; write 3-5 facts about each site while thinking about how you might cast vision for changing the world--


6-1a/Kids Right to Know

6-1b/Roadtrip Nation




6-1f/QUEST Atlantis

6-1g/Educational Gaming-Epic Win! Video: Gaming Can Make a Better World...


[   ] _______6-2/TIME--amount of time I spent working on this section_______.


SESSION SEVEN: ME...Making a Difference!


[   ] _______7-1/Write out your VISION...what would you like to do to change something in our world--now and in the future; complete a page or two in your INB.


[   ] _______ 7-2/Scan & save your VISION for involvement in world change.




[   ] _______EU-1/Send your scanned documents from 7-2 to Steve--Subject Box: End of Unit--My Vision.


[   ] _______EU-2/Meet with Steve to review your VISION for CHANGE (7-2) and the work you've done in your INB for the unit. Post your grade and credit...


Grade _____ Credit___ Date ________ CP ___ Teacher's Initials __________

 Updated 3/16/2014