ePals Russian Friends Parent Permission

If you would like to participate in the student collaboration activity, review the following , complete and sign on the appropriate lines and return form to advisor/teacher:

Name of school collaboration project: Russian Friends

Country: Russia * School: Branch's CST in Petrovsk

Teacher: Ms. Svetlana Ogareva * email: russveta@epals.com 

We understand this is a school communication assignment. Instructions will be listed at the assignment website: http://pecglobalscience.jimdo.com/russian-friends 

An ePals (http://www.epals.com) email address will be assigned to student. This address will be used for all email communication during this project unless parent/guardian gives permission to use student's personal email address.

Communication will be monitored by teacher/advisor if ePals address is used; questionable correspondence will be discussed with student and/or parent. Appropriate action will be taken.

Student and parent(s) assume responsibility for the effect of all communication. Student agrees to abide by all classroom, school, state, national and international law regarding email communication. 
Should anything unusual occur, student and parent(s) will inform advisor/teacher and cease communication until the situation is resolved.

I would like to have (circle) one (1) * two (2) * three (3) Russian Friends


Student will be using (circle one) Personal Email * ePals Email *** Parent Initials _____

Student's email _______________________________________________________

___________________________     _____________________________     ______
Print name of parent                            Print name of student                              Date

___________________________     _____________________________     _______
Parent Signature                                  Student Signature                                   Date

Address, City, State, Zip

Phone number(s)

Parent's email address                                                       Student's email address

Teacher/Advisor Signature                                                      Date

Steve's Advisory @ the Prospect Education Center, Porterville, CA USA


ePals email address ________________________________________________ or


personal email address ______________________________________________

Name of student(s) overseas ____________________________________________



Email address(es)  for student overseas ___________________________________



(c) 2013 * 
S. Reynolds * sreynolds@portervilleschools.org