History of the Prospect Education Center
Here's a brief history of the Prospect Education Center, Porterville, CA USA--
+ 1983--Porterville Educational Center started as a joint venture between Porterville Schools and the County of Tulare to help teen mothers continue their education through a Teen-Age Parenting Program (TAPP). Shirl Hanson was involved in the organization and startup and she became the first director. Location initially was in a warehouse on Sunnyside Street near downtown Porterville. Founding principles included--small teacher-student ratio, child care for infants, high-quality academic instruction, one-to-one advisory, and career studies integration.
+ 1985--School moved from downtown to the present location in the former Attebury Day Care Center, 645 N. Prospect Street, Porterville, CA.
+ 1994--Home & Hospital and Home Studies programs moved from the PUSD District Office to this site.
+1994-1995--program was expanded to include students in need of a small high school environment.
+200?--school name was changed from Porterville Education Center to the Prospect Education Center.
+ 2005--science students wanted to share earth-friendly ideas with the community. Earth Day shirts were sold that year and the Earth Day Celebration was started the next year. This annual outreach to the community has continued to date.
+2006--Shirl Hanson retired and Mr. James Tyler became the second director of the center.
+2014--staff and students continue to grow and learn in a small, supportive learning community.