Earth Day Student Commitee Application

We are looking for dedicated, enthusiastic, energetic students in grades 9-12 to serve with the Science Curriculum Committee to develop, staff and oversee the PEC Earth Day Celebration.

Requirements/Details:Students must complete the following--


--Attend all planning meetings--Wednesdays at lunchtime--12:20 'till 12:50 P.M. during credit periods 6, 7, 8 & 9.

--Complete all assignments.
--Participate in PEC Earth Day 2016--9:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M.
--Present good attitude and actions.

Credit Available: 1 credit in Earth Science, Integrated Science, or Biology
and 1 DCW credit,

Due Date--Applications are due by 4:00 P.M. on Friday, January 15, 2016. EXTENSION on 20 January 2016--due date is now Monday, January 25, 2016 4:00 P.M. Email or by hand--complete and submit the form @ the bottom of this page; students will be accepted on a "first received" basis (10+2). Call or email me if you have questions--559/782-70954611 *

Steve Reynolds & PEC Science Committee
559 782-7095 x 4611


PEC Earth Day STUDENT COMMITTEE APPLICATION * We are looking for dedicated, enthusiastic, energetic  students to serve with the Science Curriculum Committee as we develop and staff our PEC Earth Day Celebration. Copy and complete the following, then paste and email the information to Steve Reynolds. Subject line: PEC EARTH DAY STUDENT APPLICATION  * Send the application to: or give the application and recommendation to Steve in person. Receipt of application confirmation will be emailed to you. Applications will be reviewed by the PEC Science Committees; you will be notified in person, by phone or by email when you are accepted to serve. 

-----------------------------------Application: copy and paste from here down----------------------







Grade in school: 

School email address:

Home phone (if you don't have one, write "don't have):

Cell phone:


Answer these questions on separate paper--


1. What is Earth Day?
2. How have we celebrated Earth Day @ PEC--2005 'till now?
3. Why is Earth Day important?
4. Why do you want to serve on the student committee?
5. Describe your studies, learning, and attendance @ school this semester:
6. How will you fit all planning sessions into your schedule?

7.  Remember to check spelling, grammar and punctuation as you complete your application. Make sure print font size is 12 pt. 



[   ] Applications submitted after the due date--Why are you submitting your application after the deadline?



-Attend 90-100% of Wednesday meetings at lunch.

-Take promotion/info packet to 3-5+ area businesses or organizations.

--Give enrollment letter to at least one teacher/class.

--Participate in planning and organizing; complete activities and assignments.

--Be present and available on Earth Day 2016

--Good attitude and follow school and PUSD rules/guidelines.

I would like to serve on the PEC Earth Day Student Committee. I have read the requirements listed above and will do my best to follow them. If my attitude or actions fail to reflect the spirit of Earth Day and/or the rules/regulations set forth by PUSD, I will be removed from the committee.


If you agree to the above, sign or type your name and the date which will serve as your written or  electronic signature--



