Earth Day Presenter Registration
To: Potential Presenters
From: Steve Reynolds, Earth Day Committee, Prospect Education Center Students and Staff
RE: ELEVENTH Annual Earth Day @ PEC
On Friday, April 1st, 2016 from 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M., we will be celebrating EARTH DAY with our tenth annual festival-like event at the Prospect Education
Center (PEC). It is during this celebration where environmentally-friendly information and activities are presented to our school district students, parents, and the community.
We have begun planning our ANNUAL EARTH DAY celebration and would like to invite YOU to present--
TOPICS: Anything related to helping take care of the planet we live on and the inhabitants therein. We encourage you to bring things to display,
hands-on activities, demonstrations, literature, etc.
LOCATION: Prospect Education Center located between Kohl’s and the City Yard on Prospect Street.
DATE and TIME: Friday, April 1st, 2016 from 10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M.
Presenting is free; simply complete and return the following Presenter Registration form via mail, email or FAX. If you have questions, please contact Steve Reynolds at (559) 782-7095 ext. 4611
or via email to Additional information is available at our Earth Day Website –
We’re looking forward to having you with us!
Steve Reynolds, Lead Teacher/H&H Coordination * *
==========Complete and FAX or email=================
Prospect Education Center Earth Day * Presenter Registration Form
YES! Please register us/me as a presenter for EARTH DAY 2016
No, I/we are unable to present this year. Please contact us again for next year’s event.
Please be aware that SPACE IS LIMITED, so email or FAX this form to Steve Reynolds at (559) 781-6846 ASAP. CALL WHEN YOU'VE SENT THIS FORM TO CONFIRM WE'VE RECEIVED
IT: 559/782-7095 * Web-based information:
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Organization: _____________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:________________________ FAX Number: ______________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________
Web Address (if available): ___________________________________________________
Name(s) of people at your booth, if different than above: ____________________________
1. Presentation Title and/or Topic: ______________________________________________
2. Brief description of presentation:_____________________________________________
3. Will you need us to provide a table and two chairs? (circle) YES * NO *** Bring your own pop-up sunshade cover! *** Set-up may begin on Friday, May 1st, 2015 at 9:30 A.M, with students
arriving at 10:00 A.M. You will present until 2:00 P.M. WE APPRECIATE YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SHARE!!! Again, space is limited. FAX completed form to STEVE REYNOLDS at (559) 781-6846. Steve Reynolds,
Lead Teacher * * * * We will email you when we've received this form.