Earth Day DCW Assignment Sheet
645 N. Prospect St., Porterville, CA 93257-2029 * 559/782-7095
To earn 1/2 elective/DCW credit, complete the following and hand in paperwork to your advisor/teacher on or before the Friday following our Earth Day celebration. If necessary, write answers on a separate sheet of paper and attach.
Student ______________________________________________
Advisor/Teacher ___________________________________________________
Email address _____________________________________________________
Phone number _______________________________________
1. Visit at least 5 booths. Talk with the person presenting and get information. Also, get a signature from each presenter OR attach business card. Write a paragraph about each presentation including: a) What's the topic of the booth, b) How is the theme connected to Earth Day and c) How you'll use information presented @ the booth.
Name of booth or organization * Signature of presenter or attach business card
First booth _____________________________________________________
Second booth ___________________________________________________
Third booth ____________________________________________________
Fourth booth ___________________________________________________
Fifth booth _____________________________________________________
2. What did you like BEST about the Earth Day celebration?
3. What's the most important thing you learned and are going to apply right now?
4. Next year? What should we include?
Date _______ CP _____ Credit: 1/2 DCW * Grade: P * Teacher's Initials _____________
(c) 2006-2015 * S. Reynolds * 4/28/2015Rev9