Earth Day 2014

This year marks our 9th Annual Earth Day Celebration! THEME: DROUGHT and WATER CONSERVATION...


Due to diminished enrollment in our on-site program, we don't have the students to staff a community-wide event this year, but we do want to celebrate and learn! Plans so far include...


Ordering and wearing Earth Day shirts from 

---Last day to order--Tuesday, March 4, 2014. See Mr. Franco




* Schedule--Celebration from noon 'till 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 24, 2014 for PEC students and staff.

--Noon 'till 12:45: healthy potluck & clean-up.

--12:45 'till 1:25: Door contest & student presentations--Sheri & hh students/low-water landscaping; Alan & hh students/livestock and low-water.

--1:25 'till 2:55 PM: FIELD TRIP to the Porterville Water Treatment Facility to see the process of purification and discuss drought, llow water and the situation in Porterville.


* Student project ideas--being discussed by Advisory groups

-----Share research and conservation ideas at a table--

-------Room 1/Karen-

-------Room 2/Steve-Ways to Save Water in Home and Yard

-------Room 3/Mr. Franco--Planet Choices---Good! Bad!

-------Room 4/Mrs. Sewell--

-------Room 5/Sue--

-------Home & Hospital Students/Sheri--Low-Water Landscaping and Mr. Wilkinson--Sheep, Livestock & Water




 * Science & DCW credit--CLICK.


 Updated 13 September 2014