DCW Unit Description Sheet for Science Past-Due Assignment

Our goal is to complete each unit in a timely manner. The due date for the unit is recorded at the top of the Unit Description Sheet. If you are absent from school, work on/complete the section(s) for the day(s) you are absent. Call or email Steve if you have questions: 559/782-7095x4611 * sreynolds@portervilleschools.org

Name ________________________________ Date ___________ B * ES * P * Advisory

Email __________________________________________________________________

Title of Unit ______________________________________________________________

Date you started the assignment __________ Date the assignment was due _________

Number of days assignment is "Past Due" _______ Score/grade for unit _______


***For DCW credit, complete the following; use the back or additional paper if necessary. To receive credit for this unit, it must be completed by ___________________________


1. From your Unit Description Sheet, record the score you received for each section and the date the section was due--

Unit Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 More

Score for



Date Section

Was Due


2. List 1-3 things you learned from this unit:




3. Why didn't you complete the unit on time?


4. What will you change so that you complete the next unit on time?


5. Your signature ________________________________________ Date ____________


I/we have reviewed our daughter's/son's work on this assignment. We would like to see him/her learn and complete assignments in a timely manner and will help as needed with the next unit.


Parent(s) signature _________________________________________Date ________


Parent(s) phon(s) _____________________________  _________________________


Parent's Email _________________________________________________________


6/Credit _____ Grade: P/NC   Credit Period _____ Date __________ Initials ____________

Completing this unit will earn DCW credit AND restore late-assignment points to science unit.

(c) 2011 * S. Reynolds * http://pecglobalscience/jimdo.com